“The vineyard was conceived after David Millington visited California (USA), on business as an agricultural consultant.”

“The area he visited was so young in history, it was realised that the land his family owed back home with the Roman city of Uriconium being under part of it was so rich in history, the idea of planting a vineyard was born. After all the Romans grew the vine at Wroxeter some 2000 year ago.”

Wine growing author Gillian Pearkes, who was considered an authority on wine growing in England was contacted for advice. Over a two year period in the early 1990’s visits were made to Gillian’s vineyard, Yearlstone Vineyard, where Gillian gave instruction on how to grow and look after the vines and the wine making process. Many of the older English and Welsh vineyard owe their existence to the late Gillian Pearks.

“On Gillian’s advice 4 varieties of vine were chosen, purchased and then planted in early 1991. The first vintage (crop) of grape at Wroxeter vineyard was produced from the 1992 harvest.”

This was a very big achievement in wine growing terms to have a crop so soon after planting as it is widely accepted it is usually 3 or 4 years for white grapes and 5 or 6 years for red grapes before first harvest.

“Not long after planting the vineyard in 1991 the local planning authority decided for some reason that vine growing was an industrial process and took the Millington family to court saying that the vines needed industrial planning permission.”

As it was a green field site next to an ancient scheduled monument that was never going to be given and that the vineyard had to be removed, thus various court appearances in various courts were made. Eventually in The High Court of Appeal the Millington family won their case and case law was written. Vine growing and Wine making is an agricultural use of land, This Judgment is still being used today in many cases.

“In 2011 David’s son Martin and his wife Amanda took over the vineyard, Martin having been the wine maker for some years.”


Telephone: 01743 761 888
Email: shop@wroxetervineyard.co.uk